
Evidence-based support to help you overcome your eating disorder

We offer CBT-E, MANTRA, CBT-AR and Family-Based Treatment counselling and psychotherapy to those wanting to overcome with Anorexia, Bulimia and Binge Eating.

Stage 1

Starting Well, where we build a foundation

The initial sessions focus on understanding your unique eating disorder patterns, establishing a strong therapeutic relationship, and setting the stage for change. Here we introduce self-monitoring, to identify eating patterns, thoughts, and triggers that contribute to the eating disorder. Have a look at our free resource here.

1. CBT-E Summary Sheet
Patient makes progress during therapy session for eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating

Stage 2

The focus shifts to reviewing your progress

We identify any barriers to recovery, such as low self-esteem, extreme perfectionism, and anxiety. This stage is critical for recognizing achievements and addressing challenges. 

Working closely with your therapist, you’ll create a personalised plan to overcome these obstacles, using cognitive-behavioural strategies to continue improving yourself. This collaborative effort ensures tailored support to navigate and dismantle the barriers, fostering continued progress towards recovery.

Stage 3

Addressing the maintaining mechanisms

This spans approximately 10 weekly sessions and is tailored to the individual’s specific needs, focusing on three key modules: body image, dietary restraint, and the relationship between events, moods, and eating. These modules target the core processes sustaining the eating disorder. 

As the stage progresses, the treatment also prioritises identifying and managing potential setbacks to prevent them from evolving into full relapses, emphasising early detection and intervention to maintain recovery momentum.

Woman shows relief after a therapy session for eating disorder recovery
Man shakes therapist’s hand, recognising his courage to confront challenges in eating disorder therapy

Stage 4

Ending Well

This final phase has three main goals: to gradually phase out specific treatment procedures like self-monitoring and in-session weighing; to create a plan ensuring the maintenance of treatment gains; and to develop a strategy for effectively addressing potential future setbacks, equipping patients with the tools to prevent relapses and sustain their recovery long-term.

For more information on our Therapists